restmuell / christof lang
17,78 x 17,78 cm
hardcover, 2013, ISBN 978-3-03778-376-4}
While Urban Hopes (2013) follows Scale and Color Light Time, the 2012 publications by Lars Müller Publishers, it has been propelled by his positive, tireless direction together with the amazing, inventive energy of Christoph a. Kumpusch—who chose and organized the fine words of the authors: Mark Morris, Kimberli Meyer, Anthony Titus, Ryan J. Simons, Kathy Battista, Youmna Chala, Ing-Tse Chen, Balthasar Holz and Lebbeus Woods; the graphic eye of Christof Lang and the inspiring work of photographer Iwan Baan and most importantly, thank you to Janine Biunno, who in Kumpusch’s words “does the work of an army.”